Sunday 20 July 2008


Entrecard is a new and interesting concept in marketing. It evolved from a typical advertiser/publisher relationship. Many people today are both advertisers and publishers, anyway.
Now, the concept is the following... You have a blog. Then you go and create an Entrecard account. This will give you a code to place on the blog. It is sort of an online business card.
Browsing blogs with entrecard sign on them allows you to drop your card to the blog owner. This card goes into their inbox and they return your visit by visiting your blog.
Droping cards and returning visits gives you credits that can be used to advertise. The ads then get placed into your entrecard space on the blog.

It may sound a bit confusing at first but the concept is new and interesting. People who have been using the service praise it as quite useful. I can't help but to try it out for the sheer fun of it. :)

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