Saturday, 20 December 2008

Trade Wars - Are we on the verge of something far more significant?

RGE - Germany is fighting with Europe. Can China be far behind?

The outlook described in the above article might serve as an introduction into something far more significant and affecting than the current crisis is. Any non-economical friction that exists in the world might be boosted by economical situation in the near future. Soon the priorities for many states might change. Who would care about poverty, pollution, global warming, international issues when there are immediate problems at home. And if those problems are caused or helped by some other countries, quite an isolationist policies might be adopted. Not to mention aggression in certain ways - trade wars or something much more significant.
Anyway... I don't want to be a pessimist. The situation in Australia is probably far better than elsewhere and I can enjoy the time I'm spending here, far away from those "other" problems and issues.

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