Tuesday 21 October 2008


No groundbreaking news these days. The market is rushing upwards. It has reached 4300 as of the time of writing this post (2008-10-21 17:30).

Watching the news streams, there are no major changes. Most companies are adjusting their expectations. Getting more realistic and, in general, lower. It seems Friday really was a good day for purchase. Let’s hope it stays this way. I guess this is the beginning of the Phase 1. There are moves announced by governments and central banks to happen during the next month. The world financial blueprint is to be rewritten. President Bush will host a meeting at the top sometimes after the November 4th elections in the US. Also, some think the US government will use another fiscal stimulus to push the economy forwards, sometimes before Christmas.

All of these show that the economy is slowly pushing forward. The upward movement in the markets shows there are people out there who share Buffett’s view on the market levels. :)

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