It is interesting to look back... In 2008, and a bit earlier, it was very popular to read and/or write a blog on finance. It was the time of boom, money was plentiful, and whatever you did, it only seemed possible to make money. Gearing additionally boosted already astronomical gains. Not too many were even remotely aware of what was at risk.
During that time I read a few interesting blogs, checking advice and reviews of different options. Fortunately, I never invested into things I did not understand or that sounded too much like sales pitch and no substance. And I was never a fan of astronomical gains as something always was fishy about those.
Now, looking back at one of those blogs... The person who writes it became a millionaire in 2007 or 2008. Investing, gearing, property, etc. It was all fabulous. One would expect to take advice from such a person as they had "done it". Their success was there to prove whatever they did was right. With a grain of salt, of course.
Today, one of those blogs contains the following sub-title:
I lost half a million dollars on the stock market in just twelve months! Learn how you, too can become an ex-millionaire with almost no effort!
Enough said, I think.
On the positive side - this is the typical market index loss for 2008. Staying invested will likely help. Only the ones who moved out of the market, and failed to enter back soon after February 2009, have actually lost their wealth. Most of it was inflated before 2008, anyway. Good luck and be careful what you trust.